When the basic needs of human beings are met, they begin to think of higher
pursuits. The same feeling led the promoters of the School to start on this
educational venture. They felt that there was a dearth of quality school
comparable with good schools in the developed countries that provided excellent
service at an affordable cost. With a spirit to provide a global infrastructure,
the best in academia and the greatest depth in the inward journey, the promoters
have established this school where East meets West.
The motto of the school 'Arise Awake and stop not till the Goal is Reached' taken
from the clarion call of Swami Vivekanand to the youth of the nation, sums up the
philosophy of Lotus valley International School, The objective of the School is to
assist the students to unfold their latent talents and to help them to grow to the
highest possible level in as many fields as is possible for each individual,
In addition to facilitating their physical, mental, spiritual, aesthetic and ethical
growth the school invest them with an indomitable spirit. Our training here is
geared to discovering their infinite worth as they grow up. They will not necessarily
look for external approval .They will be spurred into action by an internal drive.
Reaching the top is largely a matter of Self-belief therefore, it will be our endeavors
to instill in them the quality of self-worth and they will be motivated in
life to do the right thing.